Thursday, October 20, 2011


  1. Type on your web browser and click go
  2. On the top bar menu of the website click on "Members"
  3. On the left side column click on "Global Members"
After you click, click, click you will be redirected to a webpage of all the local government "global members" of ICLEI, listed in alphabetical order by country.  Scroll down to the United States of America, or other country of your choosing, and see if your local town or city is listed.  If listed then you will know, but if not, de not celebrate just yet; your local government may already have active redevelopment agencies advancing Agenda 21.

For example, in the state of California alone there are officially 127 local member cities listed, however out of the state's 477 cities there are over 381 cities that have active redevelopment agencies.

These agencies enter your community without your vote or consent and begin the process of implementing Local Agenda 21 and/or also facilitate your town's entry as a "global member? of ICLEI. 

ICLEI was founded in 1990, as the "International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives" Nations in New York City.  According to its website, ICLEI describes itself as "an association of over 569,885,000 people," ICLEI facilitates local governments in the implementation of UN Local Agenda 21...

ICLEI is the United Nations in your local community.  If you have any doubts that your local community, through membership in ICLEI -- as demonstrated before in three clicks -- is working with the United Nations Agenda 21 program then take another "three-click challenge," which is:

  1. Type on your web browser and click go
  2. On the top bar menu of the website click on "Programs"
  3. Stroll down and click on "Agenda 21"
Upon clicking on Agenda 21 you will be directed to the official webpage for the United Nations' Local Agenda 21, proving that ICLEI is tied to the UN's Agenda 21.

Effective education about this requires organization.  Form a local committee to discuss, educate, and fight sustainable development.  The more people who join your local committee, the greater the likelihood of success you will have in getting rid of it and/or withdrawing from ICLEI.  Effective organizations work best when people coalese.  Working together you will be able to educate each other and stop Agenda 21.

Withdrawal from Local Agenda 21 or ICLEI will simply not be enough.  Examine the words and documents of your local community development or planning boards and make sure that they are void of Agenda 21 and ICLEI's policies and regulations.  Propose that these changes be made or make them yourself by running for office.


I retyped this from the pamphlet put out by The John Birch Society, "Agenda 21 and You."  JBS has an Action Program entitled "Choose Freedom, Stop Agenda 21," link here.  You can find out if you have a local chapter here.  There are no local chapters listed for Midland/Odessa, but there are regular local meetings and Bill Cherry, Regional Director for JBS, speaks every Thursday at 7:35 am on KWEL 1070AM.  WTCCC will be fully engaged in this issue and working with more organizations who have become aware of Agenda 21.  ~ Faye

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